Cornish flag

The Cornish Pasty

Cornish flag

Scottish pasties

Forfar bridie


Forfar bridie
Grateful thanks to
for permission to use this photo
Two holes indicates that onion was used in this bridie

Another image can be seen at

This is another pasties item that we have no personal experience of, however, ....

From Wikipedia .....

"A bridie or Forfar bridie is a Scottish type of meat pastry or pie, originally from the town of Forfar, similar to a Cornish pasty in shape, but the pastry is not as hard and no potato is used. It is made of minced beef, sometimes with onions and spices, placed on shortcrust or puff pastry and folded into a semi-circular shape; the whole thing is baked in an oven.

The contents of the bridie are indicated by the number of holes in the top; one hole signifies that no onions are in the ingredients and two holes indicates onions have been used.

It is the subject of the Dundee Scots shibboleth Twa plenn bridies an an ingan ane an aa ("Two plain bridies and an onion one and all", an aa being Scots for "as well"), supposedly impossible to say if one does not come from that town."

Retrieved from ""

Besides no potato being used, there is also no yellow turnip/swede in the bridie as used in the traditional Cornish pasty.

A full description of the Forfar Bridie, including the recipe etc., can be seen HERE on the "Scots Independent" weekly online newspaper.

Bells - Forfar bridies - available at Asda, Coop, Iceland, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Somerfield, Spar and Tesco supermarkets - online bridies etc. from the Scottish Borders

Camerons of, New Jersey, USA - online Forfar bridies in America

There is an interesting link with Cornwall to be seen in the English translation of the Dundee shibboleth mentioned above: "Two plain bridies and an onion one and all" - "One and All" being the national motto of Cornwall, as is enshrined in the Cornwall coat of arms.

There 'ee go, boy, another Celtic pasties connection ...... ?